Kyle & Alexis

Heather & Caleb

Jedrek + Lisa

Autumn + Ethan

Jana + Cory

Aaron + Jorita

Open Homes Storytelling Video

Open Homes is a multi-church network supporting refugee claimants by offering home-based hospitality. I reached out to them asking if I could learn from their community design all the while creating a helpful video project for a class McMaster called "Creating and Writing In/With/For Communities". They gladly obliged! After discussing the vision with leadership, I directed, helped organize schedules for interviews, conducted interviews, and edited everything together in a cohesive fashion to create this video.

Act Five Promotional Video

The Act Five gap year program in Hamilton, ON hired me to direct and create a video to tell the story of their vision of God making all things new, inviting discerning young adults to participate in that kingdom work.

Act Five Video 2021

In the year 2021-2022 I was part of the Act Five gap year program in Hamilton, ON and had the responsibility of capturing moments throughout the year and to create a video to tell the stories and encapsulate the memories.

Act Five in a Word

Act Five is a hard gap year program to explain, so at the end of the year, all 20 of the students in the program tried to explain it and I created this video with our tries.